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Hi! I am Cherie. I am a mommy to irish twins (kiddos about a year apart). I am also a first grade teacher. :) Welcome to my controlled chaos!

366 Days of Gratitude 2012

I was on Pinterest and a friend of mine re-pinned this idea:  Make a book of something you are grateful for each and every day of the year.  It was a really good idea, and this person made her book all scrapbooky (yes, that's a word), so I was immediately on board.  Well, I have the book, and I decorated the cover, but have yet to do the inside pages.  I do have a little notebook in which I'm writing down my gratitudes so that when the actual book is done, I can fill it in.  Here's a picture of the book so far:

It's actually a picture book that I can take apart with the rings at the top, and put my own pages in.  Genius.  I will post each day's gratitude below.  This will be a long page because I don't yet know how to do it any other way.  Here we go!

January 1st: I am thankful for my friend, Abbie, who I have known for most of my life.  She made me go out on NYE (my bday) and I had a great time!  She also delivered Bryce, but that was another day. ;)

January 2nd: I am thankful for vacation Mondays.

January 3rd: I am grateful for vacation Tuesdays!  (joking)  I am grateful for daycare being open today because I have a lot of errands to do.  Doing them with 2 under 2 is nearly impossible.

January 4th: I am grateful for free internet at Starbucks.  I am able to get most of my grades in, and find some centers to use during testing next week. Yay!

January 5th: I am thankful for TMC.  There's a lot they have done that I'm thankful for.  Today it's their Outpatient Therapy department.  They are wonderful!  They are helping Nathan to overcome his delays, and teaching me how to help him.  I am also thankful for them because they saved my son's life 16 months ago.  I <3 them dearly.

January 6th: Today is a hard day.  I am grateful for Bryce.  That sounds so vague and like a standard answer.  However, today is the day his dad left me last year.  Looking back, I realize that Bryce is my gift from him.  He gave me a piece of my heart at the same time as he broke it.  I love my Brycersaurus!

January 7th: I am thankful I got thorough January 6th without TOO many tears :)

January 8th: I am thankful for naps.  Today both of my boys went to sleep at the same time and we were able to take a 2.5 hour nap!  

January 9th: Today I am thankful for strength.  Strength in a few forms.  First, these boys are getting heavy!  :P  Joking aside, I am thankful that I somehow have the strength to be positive about Nathan's condition, and be able to provide him the therapy he needs.  Our Speech therapist is FANTASTIC!  I am also thankful for her. :)  

January 10: Today is dishwasher thankfulness day.  I love my dishwasher.

January 11: Half day for kids! yay!  (I'm going to regret using this one so early in the year lol)

January 12: I'm grateful that this benchmark test is almost finished!

January 13: Nathan got sick at daycare so I had to go get him early.  I'm grateful I have an understanding boss as well as a flexible pediatrician!

January 14: I will need to think about what to be grateful for today.  Hard day.  I will not leave this blank.  Just need to think.  I am thankful that I have a job to at least try to provide for my boys. 

January 15: Today I am grateful that I have friends who will come take my boys for the night when I feel like death.

January 16: Well, I'm grateful that I don't feel AS much like death as I did yesterday.  And neither of my kids puked at daycare.  Win.

January 17: Today I changed a poopy diaper without waking the baby wearing said poopy diaper.  I am thankful for this because it was late and I wanted to go to bed, too.  Sleep is very important. :)  

January 18:  Well, Bryce got sick at daycare yesterday so he can't go today.  That means I'm forced to take a day off work.  In the end, I'm really glad it happened because I was productive AND got to take a cuddle nap with my little man.  =)  Gratitude? Yeppers!

January 19: My observation was scheduled for today, but since I was out sick all this week, my boss asked if I would like to move it to next Thursday instead.  Score!

January 20: My Nathey Wathey said his first word!!  We were leaving the house and he said "go go go!"  Yay!  So proud of how far he's come!

January 21: Today I went grocery shopping with both boys.  Alone.  And not just one or two things.  Real grocery shopping.  I was pushing the stroller with one hand (very difficult) and pulling a cart behind me.  I think I pissed at least 9 people off.  Oops.  But I made it out and only spent about $25!  This is something to be grateful for... to know that I CAN do it.

January 22: It's only 11:30, but last night I gave Nathan a PB&J sandwich and right after he ate he got hives on his tummy, legs and arms.  And his face was red where he was rubbing his eyes with PB hands.  I got very scared and had to watch him all night long.  I am so glad that his reaction was so mild and that he didn't stop breathing.

February 4: Yes, I know I'm way behind.  I'll catch up.  For now, today I am grateful for grocery shopping partners.  I have these awesome friends who went with me today to get groceries since it's super hard to go alone with the two boys.  I got lots of groceries.  And they also came to my house and unloaded them for me!  Awesome.

May 15: Let's just pretend I took a little siesta from Feb. 4 to now.  Today I'm grateful for assemblies.  We have 6 more days of school and everyone, including me, has senioritis/cabin fever!  We want ouuuuuut! :)
May 15 pt 2: I am also grateful for non-recess duty days.  It's freaking hot outside!! 

May 16: Today I am grateful for no meeting Wednesdays.  Oh wait.  my coworker just came in.  We're working on end of year student profiles.  OK, well, I'm still grateful for no "official" meeting Wednesdays!  And now I'll get these profiles done!
May 16 pt 2: I am grateful for lawyers who understand.  I was nervous because I was going to a new lawyer since mine became a judge.  She was very nice and is going to help me! :)

May 17: Today I am thankful that we only have 5 more days of school, including today.  These kids are getting on my last nerve, but I love them anyway!
May 17pt 2: I am grateful that tomorrow is payday!

May 18: Goodie Day!  There were donuts, bagels, and fruit in the lounge this morning.  Good, because I was hungry!
May 18 pt 2: It. Is. Friday.  'nuff said.

May 19: Today both boys slept in!  Woohooo!
May 19 pt 2: I was able to get almost all of my grades done today!  I only have math left to do, and I'll do it tomorrow.  

May 20: The boys slept in AGAIN!  awesomeness.  But today I am grateful for a hot shower.  I love hot showers.  Not everyone has them.  But I do, and that's fortunate.
May 20 pt 2: I am also glad this is the last week of school!

May 21: I am grateful that this is the last monday I have to go to work for a while.  unless I get a summer job.  But it's the last EARLY monday!
May 21: I am glad for my hair.  On a whim I decided to chop my hair for charity today.  Not everyone has hair.  It's just a luxury that we take advantage of.  I'm glad I was able to help.

May 22: My mom's bday!  I am grateful that my mom is here.  She's so wonderful!
May 22: My kids were pretty well behaved, given that it's the last week of school.

May 23: Last day of school!!  
May 23: I am also glad that I was able to watch my first class ever graduate from 5th grade!  I feel so old!  But wow, how awesome to know that I was these kiddos' first ever teacher.

May 24: Today I have to come to work to clean my room.  But I don't have to be there early.  Yes!
May 24: I am glad my dr was quick and I was able to go back to cleaning my room for a couple hours!

May 25: Oh, Hi, Friday!  You somehow don't have that magical spark when I don't have to work.  Well, I'm glad that I don't have to be early, and I'm glad I am able to stay in my room!
May 25: I am proud of myself for cleaning out my closets!  One step closer to an uber organized classroom :)

May 26: Today is awesome.  I got to go to the mall with Christine.  Love her!  Had so much fun!  AND she took the boys for the night so that I could relax/do whatever... baby free!  That is something to be grateful for, for sure!

May 27: I am grateful for loving families.  I love it when I see people care for my boys, and today I was able to see Bryce's family showing love to both my boys.  That makes my heart happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! :) Keep focusing on the positives! We can change our attitudes this year. I'm sure of it! Lol!
